Student Performance
- Graduation rate: 93% (source: California Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics)
- Smarter balanced results in 2022:
- 76.09% English standard met or exceeded (-1.91% from 2019)
- 64.85% Math standard met or exceeded (-2.75% from 2019)
Common State Standards
What should students know and be able do at each grade level?
What do these standards mean?
K-8 California's Common Core Standards Parent Handbook: [insert pdf]
Testing & Grading: CUSD utilizes the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system, an umbrella system encompassing tests for English, Math, Spanish and Science through several instruments. [double check]
Test scores are recorded as Standards Exceeded, Standards Met, Standards Nearly Met, and Standards Not Met.
CAASPP was administered to students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 during the Spring of 2022.